R. E. Lucas Master Thesis
people. We will mainly focus on the application of AV for navigation and investigate the efficiency
of several algorithms and AV-parameters.
1.1 Theoretical Background
The application of AV in BPS people is typically achieved through electrical stimulation. Hu-
mayun and de Juan (1998) found that the electrical stimulation of the visual cortex resulted in
the appearance of blobs of light, which are called phosphenes. These phosphenes could be used
to compensate for the lack of photoreceptors in patients (Humayun & de Juan, 1998). With the
discovery of these phosphenes, visual prostheses could be developed. Visual prostheses are devices
that can evoke a visual percept through different stimulation methods, such as the use of electrical
stimulation (Fernandes et al., 2012) or optogenetics (Barrett et al., 2014). There are currently
roughly two different types of visual prostheses: retinal prostheses and cortical prostheses. Retinal
prostheses evoke percepts by stimulating the retinal neurons to compensate for damaged photore-
ceptors (Pio-Lopez et al., 2021). Cortical prosthesis, on the other hand, stimulate the visual cortex
to evoke visual percept (Liu & Humayun, 2014). Humayun and de Juan (1998) discussed that when
these visual prostheses elicit meaningful visual percepts, they could help BPS people by restoring
some of their vision.
Since then, extensive research has been conducted for the development of useful visual prostheses
(Chen et al., 2009; De Ruyter Van Steveninck, G¨u¸cl¨u, et al., 2022; De Ruyter Van Steveninck, Van
Gestel, et al., 2022; Dobelle et al., 1974). In 1974, two participants were implanted with an early
visual prosthesis (Dobelle et al., 1974). Both participants were able to recognize simple patterns,
such as letters. In 2012, the recognition of letters improved further, and the prostheses could even
be used for mobility and orientation (Fernandes et al., 2012).
The improvement of mobility and orientation is an important aspect of the development of AV
and assistive technologies. This because navigation is a difficult task for BPS people (Giudice, 2018;
Kemp, 1981). They often need the assistance of sighted people or a guidance dog (Bousbia-Salah
et al., 2007). There are often obstacles that need to be avoided, but that should be detected first, a
feat that strongly relies on vision in sighted people. When using a probing cane, the user can find
obstacles that are close by, but they cannot know what obstacles are further ahead (Bousbia-Salah
et al., 2007). However, with the use of phosphenes, the coming of obstacles further ahead could be
anticipated and avoided (De Ruyter Van Steveninck, Van Gestel, et al., 2022).
Nevertheless, the problem that often arises with this type of phosphene vision is that its ef-
fectivity depends on the number of phosphenes, which is determined by the number of implanted
electrodes. However, the space that can be stimulated with implanted electrodes in the human
primary visual cortex is very limited (van der Grinten et al., 2022). It is therefore important to
determine the desired amount of phosphenes before implanting any electrodes in the brain of a BPS
person. This because the placement of these visual prostheses can be very invasive and in the past
some implementations where experienced as rushed and ill prepared (Chen et al., 2009; Dobelle
et al., 1974; Fernandes et al., 2012). A solution for this problem is the use of simulated prosthetic
vision (SPV). Phosphene configurations can be tested noninvasively with SPV experiments that
are run with sighted participants. In such experiments, sighted people experience phosphene or
prosthetic vision through a simulation. This can for instance be done using a Virtual Reality (VR)
setup or by navigating on a computer through a virtual environment (Bollen et al., 2019; De Ruyter
Van Steveninck, Van Gestel, et al., 2022). These experiments can then be used to evaluate the
minimum requirements that are needed to restore a certain ability (Vergnieux et al., 2017). In gen-
eral, such simulations can thus help with the development of prostheses by determining the optimal
number, placement, and processing of phosphenes and electrodes without damaging a participant